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CCCR Conference 2012



Click on the link to download the full conference programme:

CCCR 2012 Programme


Outline programme:

Sunday 18:00  Registration starts in the Management Centre

Sunday 19:00  Icebreaker in the Management Centre

Monday 09:00-09:10  Welcome (venue: Reichel Centre)

Monday 09:10-10:50  Session 1: Large-scale and long-term catchment and coastal process dynamics

Monday 10:50-11:10  Tea/coffee

Monday 11:10-12:50  Session 2: Hydrodynamics in the River Estuarine Transition Zone

Monday 13:00-14:00  Lunch

Monday 14:00-15:20  Session 3: Morphodynamics in the River Estuarine Transition Zone

Monday 15:20-15:40  Tea/coffee

Monday 15:40-17:40  Session 4: Estuary dynamics

Monday 19:00  Conference dinner in the Management Centre

Tuesday 08:30  Registration starts in the Reichel Centre

Tuesday 09:00-10:40  Session 5: Monitoring and management in the river-estuary system

Tuesday 10:40-11:00  Tea/coffee

Tuesday 11:00-12:00  General session

Tuesday 12:00-13:00  Plenary session

Tuesday 13:00-14:00  Lunch

Tuesday 14:00  End of conference


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